Morning glory

2 min readOct 24, 2022


Awakened to noises

Light, blinding my darkness

Knees and joints achy

‘Well rested’, now a well known myth

Daylight breaking, regardless

Waddle to the kitchen

Eyes being torn open

Legs heavy as barracks

Birds calling, inaugurating the day

But my mind, still unwoken

The clink of the pot

My muscle memory doesn’t fail me

The whistle of merriment , louder than my own thoughts

Steam wafting the air

My smile creeping in, unaware

A few stirs here

Many stirs there

White to brown, that golden

My treasure in the making

My sweet, sweet aroma

How you dance in a cup

Swirling like the hands on a clock

How I wait to bring you closer

Closer yet, to my lips

That first sip


The batteries are charging

The motors racing

“It’s go time”, my mind bellows

Good thoughts, come barging

My golden elixir in a cup

My adrenaline rush

My trusted pick me up

I wait for you each morning

You whose existence, at my disposal

My day’s first success

I knew you, when you were just a thought

My ally in the dark hours

The glory of my days

My sweet caress

My morning must have,

To create the path for my ways

If I didn’t know you

I would never have known

My morning muse

Into this life, you infuse

I may claim to have birthed you,

But my life, you made worth it

My morning keep up

My world in a tea cup

My life, my story

My blessed morning glory

©2022 TheNewNorm. All rights reserved.

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My thoughts and musings , through free verse . Everyday a new challenge , as we face The New Norm .