Overture: The New Concorde

2 min readOct 18, 2022


Most travelers generally agree that the apparently endless hours spent in the air are the one aspect of flying that could be improved.

What if that period of time could be significantly reduced?

Boom Supersonic, a US aircraft maker, believes its new Overture jet, which is dubbed “the new Concorde” and is expected to transport passengers at twice the speed of today’s fastest commercial aircraft, will have the solution.

How much will Overture shorten travel times?

With four wing-mounted engines that let it to cruise at just under Mach 1 when flying above land and faster than the speed of sound when flying over water, it promises to transport passengers from New York to London in just 3.5 hours.

This would also make it possible to travel from Los Angeles to Sydney in eight hours instead of the usual 15 hours. Overture will be able to travel more than 600 routes globally.


The range of the Overture, according to Boom, is 4,888 miles, which is somewhat less than the superjumbo Airbus A380, which has a range of more over 8,000 miles. After all, Overture is designed for speed.

It is designed to carry between 65 and 80 passengers at a time and is 201 feet long with a wingspan of 106 feet. It will cruise at an altitude of 60,000 feet.

How soon will it be ready?

Production at the Overture Super factory will start in 2024. It is anticipated that the first Overture aircraft will take off in 2025, fly in 2026, and transport passengers for the first time in 2029.

Is it sustainable?

According to Boom, one significant distinction between Concorde and Overture is that the latter will be powered by sustainable aircraft fuels (SAFs), which are now in the development stage and will be carbon neutral. The infographic that follows demonstrates how oil and domestic garbage may be recycled to create green aviation fuels. These are transformed into a feedstock for making fuel. This is processed and combined with conventional jet fuel. According to AirBP, as compared to conventional fuels, using SAFs can cut an aircraft’s lifespan carbon emissions by 80%.

Thank you for reading. Feel free to buy me a coffee.




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